So, my ginger cake turned into apple and ginger pie, consumed at midnight with my lovely friends who are pretty much family. It was ok, but not my best. Rubbish pastry, but then I guess I should follow a recipe.
It's been a while since I posted here, as I have been insanely busy, and I'm really not used to having so little time on my hands. The job is going really well - they've started leaving me on my own now, which is great. Although half the time when the phone rings in those instances, it's someone asking for my colleague. Still, I'm getting there. I've got to know most people and which companies/projects they work for now, there's just a few I'm still getting to know. I've even memorised a few extension numbers. We have a fancy new website, if you care to take a look.
I was getting a bit frustrated, as I have not been able to do much writing recently. I've had a Local Preaching Assignment to do, a Sunday service to plan, my ongoing ITQ to complete, and now I'm also attending a 10 week long drawing class with the lovely Nikki Joy. But yesterday I overcame this, as I had a bit of scrap paper at the desk, which I was scribbling ideas on when it was quiet. So, I've got a few things to be getting on with, and I drafted a dialogue/argument last night between Joe and Anna, brother and sister, after he has just discovered who she likes to share a bed with.
One of the things Rob has picked me up on several times when making suggestions for CQ is the amount of swearing. I'm still trying to decide if I see it as a problem. The ruling at Uni was so long as it fits in and adds to the story - don't swear for the sake of it. Most, if not all the swearing in my book is used perfectly naturally and in keeping with the characters. I've tried taking some of them out, but it just makes the characters sound wierd and awkward. I try not to swear a lot myself, but 16/17 year-old college kids tend not to care so much.
I'd really like to hear what you think about swearing in young adult fiction, or in fiction at all. It used to be something I was really prudish about as a kid, oddly enough.
As the manuscript currently stands, with 54,138 words, 36 of those are the F word, 11 are the P word, and 7 are the S word. There are a few instances of slightly inflammatory name-calling, but I'm not sure if they count. And I'm not counting the word 'bloody'.
I've decided that I need a lot more of a view into the world of the antagonist, Andy. We need to see his motivations, his surroundings, all the things that make him the way he is. But also the effect he has on those around him, and the effect they have on him. I want to show more of the dynamic of him and his two friends and how they operate as a group.
I finally got round to buying Chiodos' new album, Illuminaudio, which I am slightly obsessed with. There's one song in particular, Notes in Constellations, which I cannot get out of my head. It's a wonderful song. It makes me think of Ryan and Lauren. I can't get them out of my head either, and I keep getting ideas of how I can edit little bits or change the dynamic of particular scenes between them. I've already rewritten the crucial scene between them and made it much more realistic, much more affectionate, I guess. Before it was almost too understated. But I've got lots of ideas for them, so it's good.
Let's just hope I can make the time to actually write about it.
Anyway, I've been trying to keep up with everyone's blogs, and I have to say, it looks like your writing years have all made for a very good start. Well done everyone and keep up the hard work :)
I must go so that I can get some writing done and finish my assignment before our cake party tonight. I love cake.